The Blueprint begins with Dr. Kay Renee’s abridged bio that gives you a gritty story about being born from rape in a prison, put into foster care and later experienced homelessness after her adoptive mother passed away. Dr. Kay was able to find success by turning pain into passion and persevering beyond adversity, with faith, a vision and a mentor. She has developed the tools for success in her debut book, and is honored to share them with you.
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I still remember standing in my dining room, reading the letter, walking back and forth, picking the letter up again and again to see if I glazed over the part where she said she wanted to meet me. It didn’t! As tears started to well up in my eyes and stain the letter, I was in disbelief that this woman—I dare not call her my mother—had waited 26 years to ask for money! How dare she ask me to put money on her books. I didn’t even know her or even knew what that meant. I’m not sure how long I waited, but I eventually wrote Janice back. In my letter, I had one question and one question only: “Who is my Father?”
by Dr. Kay Renee